Our Mission
The Presinzano Civic Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Hoboken has a strong sense of family and community. In recent years, the pandemic, higher cost of living and education and other challenges have impacted our community. Our organization will look for unique ways to help individuals and families navigate the economic challenges they face. Working with various other like-minded groups will help us foster strong relationships, ensuring help gets to the right places.
3First Step
We will begin by offering scholarships to graduating high school seniors. Knowledge is instrumental in a young person’s quest to become independent. Our foundation recognizes this and knows that the financial burden of education can be a huge undertaking. Investing in our children is one of the most impactful ways of having a successful future. We plan on growing the scholarship program in size and amount so we can, at one point in the future, offer help to all graduating seniors looking to furthering their education.
We are offering 10 $250.00 scholarships to graduating 2024 High School Seniors that live in Hoboken.
If you or someone you know would like to apply for one of these scholarships click the link below.
Our Seniors
Our foundation strongly believes in paying it forward. The things we appreciate today were possible because of the hard work and sacrifice of many people before us. Many live on fixed incomes and struggle with some basic needs. We want to make sure our seniors are not forgotten. We want them informed and have access to assistance when needed. Our job will be to identify their needs and develop a support plan. We know that something as small as a bus ride to the shopping center can help make a major difference in their lives.
Going Forward
In addition to the youth and senior focus, the foundation will have yearly events to bring to light issues in the community. Through food and toy drives, park clean-ups, information seminars and other community outreach programs we hope to get out in the community and impact change for the betterment of our community.
Our Vision
Our foundation believes there are three pillars of success: Participation, Involvement, and Education (PIE).

When we participate, it allows individuals to feel connected.

When we are Involved, we begin to take ownership of the process.

When we are Educated, we have the tools to find a solution to problems.
Using this PIE concept, we will identify and prioritize the issues that need addressing, allowing us to maximize the impact of our efforts.